Monday, December 15, 2008

The Dilemma of Destiny

OK, girls I am behind!  However, I have great plans to catch up quickly, but then this snow/ice day came and, well, now all of my kids are home and I need to feed, clean up after, entertain, corral, feed some more, organize, and try to exhaust four kids (I think it's going to be me that is going to be exhausted after this day, though, wanna bet?).  

I did just finish watching the session three download on my computer.  It was pretty easy to figure out and watch.  The quality was not great, but I'm sure if I asked my very computer savvy husband to fix that he would've been able to figure that out, however, he's not home.  Video quality doesn't bother me too much, as long as I can pretty much see, I'm not too worried about crispness.  It actually was very convenient to do it this way, but I missed you guys terribly!  Was that not one of the cutest outfits she was wearing?!  I thought that was so cute.  That is a suit I think I could wear, but I would need long sleeves.

For me, there were a couple of things that were eye openers.  When she was talking about how people can be in the middle of a personal crisis when they are also in the midst of a corporate crisis.  And, how when God is calling them to the corporate crisis there's something big going on in their personal lives and you are thinking "I am in crisis here!"  Beth says "you are sitting pretty for a revelation."  The other statement she made was about the veil and how God never hangs a veil without a reason.  I'm not sure I could re-explain that one and do it justice, but it was so cool how it tied in with our last Beth Moore study about the tabernacle and how the veil to the Holy of Holies ripped from top to bottom.  

Well, I better get cracking on this.  I have a lot of material to cover to get caught up and ready for tomorrow night.  Don't forget your ornament that reminds you of Esther!  

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