Monday, June 29, 2009


Ya'll want to take bets on what it is? Make it interesting? Come on! Who's in?

Here are the details on the dynamics of the Kosanke family . . . .

1. There are SIX people in the Kosanke family (not counting that new baby girl): Dad, Mom, 13 year old boy (prolly eats a LOT), 5 year old Nathan, 4 year old Jordan (I think he's 4), and that SBG Sophie who is about 3 (or is she 2?).
2. No food allergies!!!

These are the folks who have signed up for dinner for them:
1. Melissa
2. Jen
3. Deanna
4. Lori
5. Trena

The NEW and IMPROVED Dinner List

June 30
1.  Mary
2.  Deanna

1.  Melissa
2.  Jen

1.  Amy M.
2.  Susan S.

July 7 
Our fearless host is providing the food

July 14
1.  Melissa
2.  Trena

1. Lori


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Words to the Revelation Song

Here are the words, girls!  Let's get busy!!!



Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Holy, holy is He
Sing a new song to Him Who sits on Heaven's mercy seat



Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings
You are my everything, and I will adore You


Clothed in rainbows of living color
Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder
Blessing and honor, strength and glory and power be
To You, the only wise King



Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder
At the mention of Your Name
Jesus, Your Name is power, breath and living water, Such a marvelous mystery



Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Crabb Family

This is a great song and I think we can all relate to it!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Song

I am going to be honest. I'm a little freaked out by this whole singing in front of the church thing. Anyone else? Don't worry, I'm not going to lose sleep over it, but I may pee my pants that day. Can I stand next to any of the EXTREMELY good singers in our group, you know, the ones who can carry a tune, the ones who aren't tone deaf which includes ALL of you except me? I think I will stand next to Kari and Janet and lip sync. What do you think about that? I didn't think this was part of the job description - singing in front of people. Give me a room full of kids and I'm your girl, room full of adults and I'm a wallflower - just want to people watch, be a sponge. I don't know girls . . . I think I may become adept at working the sound booth by August 9th.


P.S. I got this from the official Youtube Kari Jobe page, so I can officially/legally post it here. You should go check it out, she's got some cool stuff on there (so does SCC)!

Monday, June 15, 2009


On day three (yes, I am a little behind, so) she asked us about dreams.  God doesn't speak to me through dreams, but I have definitely had a few doozies in my day.  I will share two of them that stick with me.  They aren't related and happened years apart . . . 

When I was about 4 years old I had a horrible dream.  I remember being at church and going room to room and seeing very strange things.  In one room there was a 'thing' with a child's head and a snakes body (dreams are so freaky) and it was weaving it's way through the rungs on the back of a chair.  The last room I went in they had put my father on a cross and were lowering it in to a fiery pit.  (I still have a hard time talking about that one).  When I woke up I was crying and my mom wanted to know what my dream was about and it took me a long time to tell her because I felt bad for having such a horrible dream.  I remember being so upset.  My mom had me call my dad at work to make sure he was OK.  

Then when I was almost 19 my Grandpa died suddenly of a heart attack, my Dad's Dad.  He was an amazing man!  His death was a peripety in our family's life - everything changed after that.  I moved in with my Grandma and lived with her until she remarried a year and a half later.  She married her brother-in-law because 6 months after my Grandpa died his sister died of a heart attack as well leaving the sister's husband a widow as well.  Are you following this?  I'm not even to the dream part yet!  So, a few months after they married I had a dream.  We were at church, it was Easter, and me, my uncles, one of my cousins, and my mom and I were taking the Easter lily down the aisle to the altar (this wasn't normally done, it's just part of the dream).  The rest of my Dad's family was sitting in the pews of the sanctuary:  Grandma, Kenneth (the new husband), Aunts, my Dad, sisters, and cousins.  Everyone was facing forward not watching us bring the lily in, it was like they couldn't move their heads.  I was able to move my head and I looked over to the opposite side of the church and saw Grandpa sitting there!  I couldn't talk!  I wanted to scream at everyone!  My Mom saw that I saw him and she said, "I know.  I see him.  Just keep walking."  No one else saw him and I was so upset, I kept looking at my uncles and my cousin and the rest of my family, but I couldn't talk to tell them.  I remember crying the rest of the way down the aisle.  Finally after church, Grandpa came to me and asked me how everyone felt about Grandma being with Kenneth, he seemed a little jealous and concerned that they were together.  I reassured him that they were fine and we were all very happy for them.  And that was the end of that dream.  WHEW!

There's another one of my Dad's family having this big party at my Grandma's house and Grandpa was there and I was introducing him to Garth Brooks.  Garth was so happy to meet my Grandpa!

Dreams are so weird.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Dinner List - Condensed

1.  Lori
2. Deanna H.

1.  Jen 
2.  Janet C.

1.  Melissa
2.  Paula

June 23
2.  ????

1.  Paula R.
2.  Lori

1.  Deanna H.
2.  Lori

The Evolution of THIS Woman

At the end of Day 1 Week 8 she asked us what we were becoming.  I feel that I am constantly changing and evolving as I age, as I study His word more, as my children get older, as my marriage gets stronger.  But am I becoming someone different?  Gosh, YES!  At least I hope my answer is yes!  I know I always have room for improvement in lots of areas:  eating, exercise, mothering, wifeing, being a better daughter/sister/friend, striving to be more like Mary in a Martha world (some days I am more like Martha than I want to be).  It seems like everyday of my life is spent at least a little bit on patience and not letting other things or people steal my joy, and fine tuning my relationship with Him.

  Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. 
       We are the clay, you are the potter; 
       we are all the work of your hand.

Something that has been at the forefront in my mind for several years now is not comparing myself to others.  Each of us has a different walk and a different path that we are walking on with Him.  We all have our journeys that will somehow lead us to where He wants us to go.  There are times in my life when I look at friends or just people I know and think 'Wow!  I want to be where they are!' or worse, the guilt version 'I SHOULD be where they are!'  Then I remember . . . 

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

I know I'm not alone when I say that I am definitely not the same person I was when I was in high school, or college, or even when I was first married or even yesterday.  I am glad that He is working in me to make me who He wants me to be.  If He wasn't working on me I'd be pretty worried!  

as iron sharpens iron,
 so one man sharpens another." 
