Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Almost Time for Goodbye

This has been wonderful. I have learned so much the past few weeks. For me personally I keep hearing the word "HOPE," as our family waits and waits for Avery to come home (over 2 years now), that is one word I NEED to hear. There's a paragraph on page 13 that I highlighted way back when we first started: "Has a negative event or a near-eternal wait recently made you lose hope about something important to you? Do you have any natural reasons to think that whatever your "once upon a time" might have been, it can never be now?" My answer to both of those questions is 'yes,' unfortunately. But on the next page there's the hope part! Go and read from page 13 (after the 'crown question') to the 2nd to the last paragraph before Day 2 which ends "the ending to each story is happy, but before that happy ending is realized, much grief occurs." Again, personally, this adoption process has been full of grief, but oh so full of HOPE because how our faith in our God has grown. He knows my name . . .

Psalm 18:24 (The Message)

20-24 God made my life complete
when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I got my act together,
he gave me a fresh start.
Now I'm alert to God's ways;
I don't take God for granted.
Every day I review the ways he works;
I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together,
and I'm watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life
when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.

This was found on the wall of a Nazi concentration camp:

I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining.

I believe in love, even when I do not feel it.

I believe in God, even when He is silent. (Author Unknown)

We each have a story to tell, we are all God's people - princesses, chosen, knit together in our mother's womb, He knows our beginning and our end. We are so very much better off because of HIM and with HIM. "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14

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