Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Not to scare anyone, but you can't hide your sin from God.  Just not sure if we all knew that.  I'm not sure David realized it or just thought that since he was special he wouldn't be punished very harshly (he was, four times over including the death of a child because of his sin).  The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  The good thing . . . no, GREAT thing  . . . is that we can ask for forgiveness and we are forgiven by His grace, by His love, and mercy.  We can lay it at the cross and it will be as far away as the East is from the West, and He will trade our ashes in for beauty using it for HIS glory.  God is so good.

So, tonight we were talking about how God sees EVERYTHING.  And Trena kept saying that "He sees EVERYTHING!"  And the way she was saying it reminded a few of us of the scene in Toy Story where Woody and the toys that Sid had mutilated were getting revenge on him.  Here is the clip:

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