This lovely photo is to let you know we are having a . . . . DRUMROLL PLEASE . . . duh duh DUH!!! A LIPSTICK EXCHANGE!!!! Our fearless, mouthy leader decided that SHE needed to work on what comes out of her mouth and that if SHE needed to then maybe the rest of us do too - whatever! Bible study is going to be a whole lot less fun with all of us watching every word that comes out of our mouths, ugh. Why don't we all just stay at home? I mean COME ON!!! Just kidding. I know I could definitely use some help in this area, kind of using the whole Thumper theory, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." So, anyway, NEXT Tuesday, Sept. 22 we will be having a LIPSTICK EXCHANGE. Here's what you do:
BRING: Your Favorite INEXPENSIVE tube of lipstick or gloss ($5 or less)
HOW: We Will Play Like Dirty Santa - So Wrap Your Special Gift With No Name On It. We'll draw numbers and then go at it like a rat on a cheetoh.
OH! And one more thing (totally unrelated to our lipstick goodness)! We need to VOTE on how we want to do dinners on Tuesdays. It's really important, so don't forget!