Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prayer Requests for the Week of 12-2-08

Prayer requests
1) Amy and her family for the loss of her dad.
2) Keri and Roger ~ Business issues and discouragement and depression 
3) Stephanie's dad and Lindsey's grandpa Eldon ~ his heart stopped and they have been told to 
expect brain damage from oxygen deprivation. But we know that our God is Huge! And powerful! 
Pray for healing, a wonderful miracle and for strength for the family
4) Debbie - strength, emotional physical and spiritual.  Provision, protection and favor.
5) Dylan and Trena - His big court date is Tuesday the 9th. Pray for favor and mercy and grace
6) Linda, Lori and Janet C. - healing from migraine headaches!
7) Elicia - her new job. selling and buying a new house. her family.

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