Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dinner List

Here is dinner for NEXT Tuesday.  We could use one more main dish . . . 

Aug. 18th Session 6
1. Amy R.
2.  Brenda
3.  Peggy 
1. Lora
2.  Janet C.
3.  Deanna 
1. Paula
2. Lori
3. Mary

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

As Our Children Start School . . .

Trena loaned me a book the other night at the meeting at her house called The Family Blessing by Rolf Garborg.  It's just a short little book on blessing your children and family and offers a few examples.  I've really enjoyed it and am trying to be diligent at blessing my kids before they go to bed.  I found one that I really like from this book that pretty much covers all bases and I thought I would share it with you to say over your children as they start school . . . 

God bless you with grace and peace,

power and protection,

health and healing,

holiness and godliness,

abundance and prosperity, 

and all the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit,

in Jesus’ name.  AMEN!

Hope all your kids, young and old, have a great year at school.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Books some of us have read that we REALLY like

Book List – From some of the Tuesday night Bible Study Ladies

REG (Christian Themed)

The Hole in the Gospel – Richard Sterns

The Lost Secret of the New Covenant – Malcolm Smith

Mere Christianity – CS Lewis

Parenting with Love and Logic – Jim Fay/Foster Cline

Passion with Purity – Elizabeth Elliott

The Shack – William Peterson

The Blessing – Gary Smalley

Praying the Scriptures for your Children and Teenagers

Rees Howells – Intercessor – Norman Grubb

Medford Series

The True Vine – Andrew Murray

Praying Like Jesus – James Mulholland

God Mean It for Good – A Fresh Look at the Life of Joseph – RT Kendall

Desire: The Journey we Must Take to Find the Life God Offers – John Eldredge

The Dynamic Duo: The Holy Spirit and You – Rick Renner

The Heavenly Man - Brother Yun


Non – REG (Secular)

Three Cups of Tea – Greg Mortenson

Janet Evanovich Novels (all of them)

Fern Michaels Series

Miss Juilia Series

Secret Life of Bees

The Help – Kathryn Stockard

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The Wednesday Sisters

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Lord's Prayer

This is absolutely precious!  Just had to share with you guys.  Thanks Paula!